” Having just completed the Great Virtual Race Across Tennessee, a virtual run put on as a way to keep the Barkley Marathon running community spirit strong through the pandemic. Over this 1021 km feat. This race was such great motivator throughout these uncertain times of life and competitive sport, and I was so happy to be a part of that. Running the roads of Huron County through this challenge was certainly one of the highlights. One thing is for sure, we are incredibly lucky to call this place home. One constant, yet unfortunate, finding though was the amount of roadside garbage that our beautiful landscape has accumulated. With many miles to run and think, and in conjunction with dreaming up my next running journey, it also struck me that I could be doing better for my community. So with that, I have decided to embark up on a new challenge – running every road in Huron County (roughly 2,900 km) pushing a running chariot, collecting garbage along the way. The waste will be weighed and a total will be reported upon fall completion .A big part of this goal is community engagement. As part of this initiative, we plan on hosting two community events with multiple runners joining in at various points around the county, and running simultaneously for rallies to engage community spirit. My hope is to work with as many running clubs as possible from surrounding areas to make the community events as successful as possible, and create an opportunity to bring together community of all abilities and like minded runners. By doing this, we hope to reach as many people and groups as possible not only to spread the work of this initiative, but to create community spirit along the way. I know we all take pride in Huron County, the place we call home. Our hope is that together, as a community, we can help our beautiful landscape to reach it’s greatest potential by simply removing the waste that has never been intended to be there. If we plant the seed for generations to come that this is our greatest treasure, our families will continue to enjoy the beauty of our county indefinitely. A HUGE thanks to these incredible businesses who have generously given sponsorships so far, without them this wouldn’t be possible. These businesses are at the heart of our communities that we take such pride in. Thank you. “
– Pete Meades
The Ross Firm – Community Partner