Your Name (required)
Your Email (required)
Your Phone Number
Are you doing your will with your spouse?
Spouse Name (required)
Spouse Email (required)
Spouse Phone Number
If you would like to expediate the intake process please answer the questions below - if not one of our lawyers or clerks will reach out to you as soon as possible
I'll answer the questionsYesNo
1. Do you have a previous will?
a. When was it completed?
b. What lawyer completed it?
c. Please upload previous will
Max file size is 5 MB
2. Do you have children?
a. Name:
b. Birthdate:
Add Remove
3. Have you been married previously?
a. Former Spouse’s Name:
4. Do you have a blended family?
a. Please describe your family:
5. Do you have a corporation?
a. Name of your corporation:
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The use of the Internet or this form for communication with the firm or any individual member of the firm is not secure and does not establish a lawyer-client relationship. Confidential information should not be sent through this form.