1. Are you an employer or employee? EmployerEmployee
2.Business Name:
3. Is your business a:
a. Sole ProprietorshipDefinition: A sole proprietorship is an unincorporated business that is owned by one individual. It is the simplest kind of business structure. If you are a sole proprietor, you pay
personal income tax on the net income generated by your business.b. CorporationDefinition: A corporation is a business structure that is a separate legal entity from its owners. No personal liability for the debts or obligations of the company is assumed by the owners (shareholders)—their liability remains limited to the value of their investments.c. PartnershipDefinition: A partnership is a business relationship between 2 or more people together with a
view to a profit, where profits and losses are shared based on a partnership agreement, written or otherwise.
4. Is your business Federally regulated or Provincially regulated?
FederallyProvinciallyDon't know
5. Are you an essential workplace as defined by the Government of Ontario?
6. Do you have:
a. EmployeesDefinition: Generally, a person is an employee if: They work full time for 1 person or company The employer deducts source deductions The employer gives them a T4 at tax time The employer controls hours of work, location, provides the tools of the trade, dictates the manner in which a job is completed.b. Independent contractorsDefinition: Generally, a person is an independent contractor if some or all of the
following applies: Work for multiple employers They set their own hours Provide their own equipment to complete tasks contracted for Can write off their expenses against their income Remit their own source deductionsc. Bothd. Unsure
7. Have you terminated your employees or are you considering terminating your employees?
8. Have you laid off your employees or are you considering laying off your employees?
9. Have you significantly reduced employee hours or are you considering significantly reducing employee hours?
10. Do you have a written employment contract with your employees?
11. Can your employees work remotely?
12. Have you experienced a 15% decrease in gross revenue?
This means a 15% of gross revenue compared to either the same month last year i.e. March 2019 gross revenue compared to March 2020 gross revenue, or March 2020 gross revenue when compared to the average gross revenue of January and February 2020.
13. Have you been forced to close your business as a result of COVID-19?
14. Do you have existing bank financing?
e.g. mortgage, line of credit, loan, car loan, credit card.
15. Is your total annual payroll greater than 2.5 million?
16. Have you terminated, laid off or reduced the hours for 50% or more of your employees?
TerminatedLaid offReduced the hours
2. Employer Name:
3. Are you a unionized employee?
4. Have you been terminated, laid off or had significant hourly reduction?
TerminatedLaid offSignificant hourly reduction
5. Are you an:
a. EmployeeDefinition: Generally, a person is an employee if: They work full time for 1 person or company The employer deducts source deductions The employer gives them a T4 at tax time The employer controls hours of work, location, provides the tools of the trade, dictates the manner in which a job is completed.b. Independent contractorDefinition: Generally, a person is an independent contractor if some or all of the
following applies: Work for multiple employers They set their own hours Provide their own equipment to complete tasks contracted for Can write off their expenses against their income Remit their own source deductions
6. Is your employer Federally regulated or Provincially regulated?
FederallyProvinciallyDon't know
7. Do you have a written employment contract?
8. Have you been laid off by this employer in the past?
9. Have you stopped working because of COVID-19 and have not voluntarily quit your job?
10. Can you work remotely?
11. Do you have existing bank financing?
e.g. mortgage, line of credit, loan, car loan, credit card.